Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Bird Who Didn't Know What Christmas Was About

Once upon a time a momma bird laid an egg. And in a while, it hatched. Crick, crack - a little white bird popped out. It was almost Christmas.The mother bird said "is this little bird going to know what Christmas is about?" So then they practiced flying. And then the little bird was all grown up. Everyone said to him "It is almost Christmas." And the little bird was thinking for a second. So he sat on a branch, and when he was eating a berry, then he said "I know what Christmas is!" And then he said, "oh, I don't." So he asked someone. They said "Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus." But the little bird didn't know who Jesus was. So the other bird said "Do you know who God is?" And he said no. So he told him the whole story about it, and the next day was Christmas. So, he decided to get presents for people, so they did. And they became best friends. The End.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Dog

I was in my house playing with my brother. Mom said "Let's go get a dog." So we went to a dog store and we saw lot's of dogs ruffing and barking. We picked a really good one. It was white, and it was a girl - we named her Daisy. We went home and played with it a lot. The next day we looked in her kennel, and we saw that she had puppies! There were 7 of them, and we played with them. When dad came home he heard lots of barking in our house. And he said "Oh my Ella, did we get dogs"? Yes we did! We had lots of fun with them. The End


My name is Ella. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I am 6. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have a mom named Kelly, a dad named Josh, a brother named Gus, a sister named Gigi and a baby sister named Claire. I like to paint, do gymnastics and play with my brother. My favourite show is Wild Kratts and my favourite movie is Tangled.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Ram Hunt

I was in the real woods hunting with Gus. We saw a ram, but we didn't shoot it. Gus said "Let's shoot it." But it was my first day of shooting lessons with Gus, and I said "No, let's keep it." But Gus said, "Let's go shoot a different animal" and I said "ok, but let's keep this one - this one can be our pet. Gus said "Let's cook it for dinner." And I said "no, let's not cook it for dinner." When Gus was sleeping, I went with the ram to a place where Gus wouldn't find us to cook it for dinner. Then Gus woke up and said "Where is that animal?" And I said, "ok ram, you will have to be on your own and find your own place to live" And when I got home Gus asked me where I put the ram. He thought it was at home. Then I showed him and he didn't want to hunt it any more and thought we should keep it. The End